We want you to stay safe and healthy out there Lazers! Here are some tips from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) to help you avoid getting sick this winter season.
Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or the time it takes your to sing Happy Birthday twice). Wash your hands especially after you go to the bathroom, before you eat and after you blow your nose, cough or sneeze.
Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose & Mouth
This will help prevent you from exposing germs to areas where germs are more likely to get into the body.
Cough or Sneeze into a Tissue
If you're feeling sick, have tissues close by. Cough or sneeze into the issue and throw it out after done using in order to prevent the spread of germs. If no tissues are available, then cough and sneeze into your elbow to avoid the spread of germs.
Stay Home If You're Sick
If you do happen to get sick, contact your professor and stay home! It'll help you to feel better more quickly and limit the spread of whatever you have to other people. Don't be a hero. Your classmates won't thank you if they get sick!
For more helpful tips on disease prevention, visit the Center for Disease Control's website.