Campus Security Authorities (CSA)

Who Are CSAs?

Clery Act regulations define "campus security authorities" as: 

  1. An institution’s campus police or security department
  2. Other individuals with security responsibilities, such as those monitoring access to campus  property (e.g., parking lots, residence halls, and athletic venues
  3. Individuals or organizations designated in the institution’s security policy as those to whom students and employees should report crimes
  4. Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, such as student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings

While the first three categories are straightforward, the fourth often causes Clery compliance problems. An "official" means a "person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution." What matters is an individual's job function, not title. The ED advises institutions to "[l]ook for officials (i.e., not support staff) whose functions involve relationships with students." These include deans who oversee student housing or activities, resident advisors, Greek affairs coordinators, athletic directors and coaches, and faculty advisors to student groups. By contrast, clerical or cafeteria employees and faculty with no responsibility for student and campus activities outside the classroom are not CSAs.

Offenses reported to individuals acting as pastoral or professional counselors, even if they otherwise have responsibility for student and campus activities, do not have to be reported under the Clery Act.

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